Chapter 14
Section 5

Process Chronology

This is a summary of the earliest dates of patenting or discovery of the processes listed in Section 3, insofar as historical records appear to be consistent. The dates listed are believed to be the earliest dates that specimens of these processes could have existed, even though common usage may have been considerably later. In some cases processes were withheld until patent rights could be sold; in other examples the processes were 'leaked' or published prior to patenting, for commercial gain. Many processes were merely 'announced' and never patented.

The period of use of many processes is even less well defined. Daguerreotypes and ambrotypes had fairly definite cessation of usage; others such as albumen prints and tintypes did not go out of fashion so abruptly, and historical termination dates cannot accurately be defined. A number of processes had revivals, and some are even currently in (limited) use.

Listed alphabetically:
Albertype 1873
albumen 1850
ambrotype 1854
amphitype (see alternate names) 1851
Archertype (see collodion wet plate) 1851
Aristotype 1867
Autotype 1868
Breyertype 1839
Bromoil 1911
calotype 1841
cameo 1860
carbon (see alternate names and dates) 1839
carbro 1873
catalysotype 1844
catatype 1901
ceroleine 1851
Charbon Velour 1893
chromatype 1843
chrysotype 1842
collotype 1855
crystallotype 1850
crystoleum 1850's
cyanotype 1842
Dagerreotype 1837
Dallastype 1863
diaphanotype (see alternate names) 1856
Eburneum 1865
ectograph 1850's
energiatype 1844
Feertype 1889
fluorotype 1844
gaslight paper 1893
Gaudinotype 1853
Gaudinotype 1861
Gem tintypes 1863
gum bichromate (see also carbon) 1839
gum platinum 1898
heliotype 1870
Hyalotype 1850
hydrotype 1889
Ivorytype 1855
kallitype 1889
Leggotype 1871
Levytype 1875
linograph 1856
Meisenbach process 1886
melanograph 1853
nitrate film 1889
ozobrome 1905
ozotype 1899
palladiotype 1870's
pannotype 1853
platinotype 1873
safety film (cellulose acetate) 1939
Simpsontype 1864
sphereotype 1856
tintype 1856
Woodburytype 1864
Wothlytype 1864

Listed by dates:
Dagerreotype 1837
Breyertype 1839
carbon (see alternate names and dates) 1839
gum bichromate (see also carbon) 1839
calotype 1841
chrysotype 1842
cyanotype 1842
chromatype 1843
catalysotype 1844
energiatype 1844
fluorotype 1844
albumen 1850
crystallotype 1850
crystoleum 1850's
ectograph 1850's
Hyalotype 1850
amphitype (see alternate names) 1851
Archertype (see collodion wet plate) 1851
ceroleine 1851
Gaudinotype 1853
melanograph 1853
pannotype 1853
ambrotype 1854
collotype 1855
Ivorytype 1855
diaphanotype (see alternate names) 1856
linograph 1856
sphereotype 1856
tintype 1856
cameo 1860
Gaudinotype 1861
Dallastype 1863
Gem tintypes 1863
Woodburytype 1864
Wothlytype 1864
Eburneum 1865
Aristotype 1867
Autotype 1868
heliotype 1870
palladiotype 1870's
Leggotype 1871
Albertype 1873
carbro 1873
platinotype 1873
Levytype 1875
Meisenbach process 1886
Feertype 1889
hydrotype 1889
kallitype 1889
nitrate film 1889
Charbon Velour 1893
gaslight paper 1893
gum platinum 1898
ozotype 1899
catatype 1901
ozobrome 1905
Bromoil 1911
Safety film (cellulose acetate) 1939