Map 218 translation

Spanish appears in black.
English translation appears in blue.

Plano Geographico, de la tierra descubierta, nuevamente, a los Rumbos Norte Noroeste y Oeste, del Nuevo Mexico demarcada por mi Don Bernardo de Miera y Pachecoa qué entró a hacer su descubrimiento, en compañía de los RRs. PPs. fr. Francisco Atanasio Doming, y fr. Sibestre Veles, según consta en el Diario y Dorrotero que se hizo y se remitió a S.M. por mano de su Virrei con otro Piano a la letra: el que dedica Al Sor Dn. Theodoro de la Crois, del Insigne Orden Teutonica Comandante General en Gefe de la Linea y Provincia de esta America Septentrional por su Mag. Hecho en Sn. Phe. el Real de Chiguagua Año de 1778.

Geographic plan, of the land discovered, newly, by North Northwest and West of New Mexico demarcated by my Don Bernardo de Miera and Pachecoa that entered to make his discovery, in company of the RRs. PPs. fr. Francisco Atanasio Doming, and fr. Sibestre Veles, according to what is recorded in the Diary and Defeat that was done and that was remitted to S.M. by the hand of his Viceroy with another plan: the plan of dedicating to Sor Dn. Theodoro de la Crois, of the Insignia Order Teutonica Commander, General in charge of the Line and Province of this Northern America by his Majesty Done in Sn. Phe. the Real of Chihuaha Year of 1778.


1.Ade ser este Rio el de [Arizona] decubierto antiguamente por el Adelantado Don Juan de Ornate el que no pude pasar por su mucha anchuro y horador puede ser Nabegable; se dice haber la otra [banda] , muchas Poblaciones grandes de Indias que viven en politica.

x1. (Ade) to be this River, that of Arizona, discovered in times of old by the captain general Don Juan de Ornate, he that could not pass because of its huge width and distance, could be navigable; it is said to have on the other side, many large Populations of Indians who live in political harmony.


2. Dicen los timpanogos, que las Gentes que havitan al poniente de su Laguna, y Sierra alta que se mira desde sus havitaciones, a dicho Rumbo, querian antes sus amigos, y que usan las puntas de sus flechas. Lazas y Macanas de un [unintelligible] Amarillo, convienen con reluciones antuguas.

x2. The Timpanogos say that people that live on the west side of their Lagoon and High Mountain range that is looked from their rooms, such way, wanted before their friends that use the ends of their arrows. Lances and clubs of a (unintelligible) yellow are suitable with ancient relationships.


3.En este paraje se deter mino dejar el Rumba de el Puerto de Monterey por haberse acabado el bastimento (or hasitimento) y temen el Iverieron.

x3. In this place was decideded to stop the trip to(the earthquake/mudslide at?)the Monterrey Port because the provisions had been used up, and for fear of the winter.


4.Escala de leguas de a beinte y cinco por grado reguladas las marchas por tierra.

x4. Leguas scale: twentyfive per degree regulated the march by land.


5.Asta aqui Hega la Nacion de las Cumanchis Inipidiendoles a su maior estension el Rio mui caudaloso y Lagunas que al oeste norte y nordeste de sus havitaciones tienen.

x5. Here an independent Commanche Nation arrived at a major section of the mighty River and Lagoons that, to the northwest and northeast, they have quarters.


6.Notas Villas. Pueblos de [ItidiosXp-tianos] Ranchos y Poblaciones de espanoles [axxui] nadas por los enemigos...Pueblas de Indios Xpinos Arrui nades por los enemigas...Rancherias de cumanches Yutas. Rancherias de Indios Gentiles ... Senal por donde y bamos hacien de las Marchar diarias ...Ojos de Agua.

x6. Notes about villages:Towns of Indians and Christians ...Ranches and villages of the Spaniards ruined by the enemy.....Indian towns ruined by the enemy...Comanche and Yute (Yuta could mean Yute or town, I think it means Yute, here, maybe.) settlements... Friendly (or pagan, gentile means both) Indian settlements...Mark of path where we made our daily marches...Watering holes (Ojos de Agua).


7. Esta Sierra es el Espinazo de esta America Septentrional, pues sus Aguas que muchos Ríos que de ella Nacen vierten en los dos Mares. El Sur y Seno Mexicano, en ella se crian las grullas.

7x. This Mountain range is the Backbone of this Northern America, considering that its waters that from which many Rivers are born, spill into both Seas. The South and the Bosom of Mexico, in her [the mountain range] cranes [birds] are raised.


8. Esta Nación Ctumanchi, hace pocos años, se apareció primero a los Yutas. dicen salió por la banda de el Norte Rompiendo por entre barias Naciones, y (unintelligible) Juzas los frujeron a hacer cambios con los Españoles, traian multitud de Perros, cargados con sus Pieles y tiendas, se hicieron de Caballos y Armas de fierro, y se nan ajilitado tanto, a el manejo de el caballo, y a ellas que aventajan a todas las Naciones en su agilidad y Animo, se nan hecho Senores y dueños de todos campos de los Zibolos, quitandoselos a la Nacion Apache, la que era la mas dilatada que se ha conocido en la America, han destruido muchas Naciones de ella y los que han quedado, los han arrinconado a las fronteras de las Provincias de Nro Rey Causa por que se experimentan tantos daños, pues les falta su primer mantenimiento les obliga la necesidad a mantenerse con Caballos y Mulas.

8x. This Comanche nation, a few years ago, appeared first to the Utes. It is said that they emerged from the North band, coming out from betwixt various Nations, and (unintelligible) Juzas went to trade with the Spanish, they brought a multitude of Dogs, weighed down with their Hides and tents, they equipped themselves of Horses and Fire arms, and had become so agile [skilled], in their use of horses, and to them that overpower all Nations in their agility and Vigor, they had become Masters and owners of all the fields of the Zibolos, taking these [fields] from the Apache Nation, the nation that was the most far spread that had yet been seen in America, they had destroyed many of these Nations and those that had remained they rounded up at the boarders of the Provinces of Our King Causa because they underwent so many vituperations, considering that they lack their first maintenance they are obligated with the necessity to keep with them Horses and Mules.


9. Toda esta Provincia es mui escasa de Aguas siembran estos Gentiles Maiz y legumbres de tempoxal, tienen cria de ganado menor y tejen de sus lanas finas Mantas, y cotones de . ten con decencia, son mui inclinados al urto. Estacion A(unintelligible).. . che tienen el mesmo Ideoma que los Tibas con poca diferencia.

9x. All of this Province is very scarce on Water they [Gentiles] grow these corn and legumes of temporal, they have minor cattle heards and they weave their fine Blankets, and cottons of Be carefull, they are very inclined to robbery. Season A (unintelligible)... che have the same language as the Tibas with little difference.

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